Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Don't Fight The Sweat - Natural Deodorant Recipe

Recently, I've been slowly trying to make key changes in my lifestyle like work out more, cut back on alcohol and be smarter in choosing which products I should use. I admit that the urge to make myself healthier is I feel like I may be able to put a stop on my recurrent miscarriages by doing so.

In my quest to find answers, I came about this article that tells of a woman who've had repeated pregnancy losses and was able to get her rainbow baby when a UK-based wellness institute determined that she has low levels of zinc and high levels of copper and aluminum in her system! 

How I wish I can have myself checked out in the same institute, but alas, I'm based in Manila and going to London to pay Foresight - the Association For The Promotion of Preconceptual Care a quick visit is not really an option for me right now. 

Hence, I'm mostly approaching this with a DIY/Pinterest state of mind - that is, I'll find hacks and do everything on my own to actually decrease (with the aim of completely eliminating) these toxins from my body.

Natural Deodorant

Project Organic (I just came up with that corny title just now haha) begins with one of my hygiene staples - the deodorant. I started using antiperspirants at a very young age because just like the next person, I find body odors absolutely repulsive. I mostly judge people not by their attitude, their lifestyles or whatever, but by their smell. One whiff of "amoy labahan" or "baktol," and you are off my good side. 

Anyway, Google tells me that deodorants are incredibly toxic - leeching copious amount of aluminum compounds and other chemicals into our bodies just to keep our pits from sweating. Since sweating is our body's way of getting rid of toxins, blocking sweats with heavy metals like aluminum have been linked to cause breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men and also elevate the risk of getting Alzheimer's. Damn, Rexona!

There are a lot of natural deodorant recipes all over the Internet however, I would like to share mine as the products used are locally sourced.

Trust me, this recipe works! However, it maybe worth noting that this is not an antiperspirant and that you may need to reapply within 5-6 hours after initial application, but with all the risks associated with the store-brought alternative, who cares?

You'll need the following: 
  • 2 TBSP Coconut Oil - moisturizes the skin
  • 1 TBSP Baking Soda - antibacterial
  • 1 TBSP Cornstarch  - stabilizes the mixture
  • 5 Drops of Tea Tree Oil - antibacterial/scent

Use roughly two tablespoons of baking soda and cornstarch (you can get these from your local supermarket), mixed with a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil (Cash and Carry) along with six drops tea tree oil (Healthy Options). 

Incorporate thoroughly until you get a smooth mixture like this:

I just used an empty Laneige jar to keep my natural deodorant. I find that it kind of solidifies depending on the room's temperature. You can keep it in fridge if you want to or add beeswax to further stabilize the mixture, but I don't really mind the runny consistency.

I've been using this for over a month now an I can say that it really does work! Plus, tea tree oil smells so good!

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