Over coffee and eggs a couple of weeks ago, I suddenly felt the urge to write again. You see, I was quite an avid fan of this activity when I was a kid, with heavy influences from Elizabeth Wakefield from the Sweet Valley series. Quite embarrassing, but very true.
I took up Journalism in college and actually had a bit of 'professional' experience in that industry: I cinched a stint at global news firm Reuters working as an interim stringer for its TV News Department and then also wrote some articles for Manila Standard Today.
Really, I was in love with writing. I still remember the tingle running down my spine whenever I get to string together words that, to me, created beautiful narratives.
Here is the link of one of my
published articles
So why did I stop, you ask? I really don't know. Maybe I was bored, lazy or just stupid for not working on my craft. But since the interwebs present a diverse and comprehensive field of opportunities for people like me to make up for lost time and hopefully get past all the shouldawouldacouldas (more on this later), here I am, trying to grab hold of my share of the internet.
It's a small pixel, but I can live with that.
Anyway, fast forward to today, after much procrastinating loaded with more procrastination, I am finally getting around to working on that 'urge'.
So, welcome to my space and please allow me to tell you the story of my life while I exaggerate a memory or two.